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Meet Us Mondays: Meet our Roxanne, Liz Waters

Updated: Apr 7, 2023


Today we have the very great pleasure to introduce our castmate Liz Waters. Liz is playing Roxanne in our upcoming production of Cyrano de Bergerac. Liz impressed us with her intelligent and sensitive readings of the text in auditions, even more so when we learned afterward that she had not received the audition sides in advance because of a mistake in communication. She has shown the same talent and dedication in every interaction that we have had with her. We have no doubt that she will be, in Cyrano’s own words, “the wellspring and fountain of grace” that touches every heart in the audience.

Outside of The Archive Theater, Liz graduated from Sarah Lawrence College in New York. She is an active participant in the film, theatre, improv, and sketch comedy scenes in Austin. She played a role in both of HBO's SXSW immersive experiences. First she was Miss Elizabeth in SXSWestworld and, most recently, she was Maris in the Game of Thrones' SXSWesteros. She is currently cast as Grace in Bottle Alley Theatre's The Rain Sessions. In the past, she also participated in The City Theatre's productions of A Midsummer Night's Dream, as Helena, and Tartuffe, as Cléante.

She works for a local production company, 3 or Less Productions, where she is a producer, editor, writer, and camera operator. She played opposite Larry Miller in the film New Soul as Grace, as a gregarious after-life secretary. In her spare time she enjoys playing with her improv troupe, Documentary Later, who recently enjoyed a mainstage run called The Doc Web at Coldtowne. Liz is excited and honored to bring Roxane to life in The Archive Theatre's production of Cyrano.

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