Today we would like to recognize another couple who are incredibly important to us. Dave and Maureen Martinez have been a part of our lives since the earliest days when Garrison Martt and Jennifer Rose Davis were playing around with theatrical performances within the reenactment hobby that we all shared. They were part of our original farcical theatrical group, The Boar Inn Players, where we made complete fools of ourselves acting out ridiculous stories from the Decameron and the Heptameron. They have been involved behind the scenes by building, sewing and making music for our theatrical events. Most of all they have always inspired us by their creative abilities and endless curiosity.
For The Archive Theater, they have been the second people to step forward and support our dreams of bringing Cyrano to life with their generous loans of equipment, in-kind donations, and monetary support. As is fitting for two people who love fencing, their donation will be used to help us refit our swords with stage blades so that we can both use them our productions and also offer them to other theater makers in the local community as needed. We are truly grateful to count Dave and Maureen among our friends and supporters and for their endless kindness and generosity.